
- 聯絡電話
- 店家地址
- 新北市板橋區館前東路96號7樓
- 相關網站
- https://www.sofuhotel.com.tw
倘若您對旅途或行程有任何疑問,歡迎直接電洽【02-29598911~3】或 [0988106347]板橋.首府大飯店。
Sofu Hotel is a legally registered hotel, located close to BanQiao Train Station, THSR and MRT station. We provide a comfortable space for tourists. SoFu Hotel has convenient and various transportation to take you to wherever you wish to go. And it only takes 10 minutes walk from hotel to BanQiao station, MRT FuZhong Station or bus depot.
In SoFu hotel, we offer you warm and professional services with the unique blend of old world charm with modern comfort to meet the needs of our guests.
We have newly renovated rooms and different room types to satisfy different guests. We also provides in-room internet access and LCD TV just to make you feel like home.
● 雅緻雙人房 Twin Standard ● 雅緻雙人房 Twin Deluxe
● 舒適雙人房 Twin Comfie ● 溫馨三人房 Budget Family
● 親子四人房 Family Room ● 和室四人房 Japanese Standard
● 和室六人房 Japanese Six ● 和室八人房 Japanese Eight
Should you have any query, please contact us on +886 2 2959 8911 ~ 3 or +886 988 106 347

平日特惠價 MON. to THUR. |
假日特惠價 WEEKENDS |
舒適雙人房 TWIN COMFIE | NT$2400 | NT$1280 | NT$1580 | |
雅緻雙人房 TWIN STANDARD | NT$2600 | NT$1380 | NT$1680 | |
精緻雙人房 TWIN DELUX | NT$3000 | NT$1580 | NT$1880 | |
溫馨三人房 BUDGET FAMILY | NT$3600 | NT$1800 | NT$2200 | |
親子四人房 FAMILY STANDARD | NT$4800 | NT$2400 | NT$3000 | |
和室四人房 JAPANESE STANDARD | NT$4800 | NT$2400 | NT$3000 | |
和室六人房 JAPANESE SIX | NT$7200 | NT$3600 | NT$4200 | |
和室八人房 JAPANESE EIGHT | NT$9600 | NT$4800 | NT$5600 |
【休息說明】 ● 休息二小時平日NT$380元起/假日450元起 (逾時,每小時加收平日NT$100元起/假日150元起) ●晚上十點以後仍提供夜間休息服務,3小時平日NT$650元起。 ●休息或加休時間若超過8小時以上(含),均以住宿費用計算。 ●休息若有訪客,請至接待區會客。 |
REST NOTICE ● From NT$380(MON. to THUR)/NT$450(WEEKENDS) for the first 2 hours, less than 2 hours also charged as 2 hours. Then, NT$100(MON. to THUR)/NT$150(WEEKENDS) for each hour extension. ● Check in after 10PM is NT$500(MON. to THUR)/NT$600(WEEKENDS) for first 3 hours, less than 3 hours also charged as 3 hours. Then, NT$150 for each hour extension. ● If REST plus extension exceeds 8 hours, guest(s) will be charged as 1 day(price charged based on the room type). ● Please meet your visitor(s) at the hotel meeting area. |
【平日、假日定義】 ※平日: 星期一至四 |
PEAK & OFF PEAK OFF PEAK Monday~ Thursday PEAK Friday .Saturday ~ Sunday, July to August(national school holiday) and National Public Holidays |
【進退房時間】 ※進房時間:平日:下午15:00以後; 假日:下午17:00以後; 旺日:下午17:00以後 |
CHECK IN and CHECK OUT OFF PEAK Check-in : after 3PM PEAK Check-in : after 5PM (NT$100/hr will be applied for late check-out) Please note: If guest(s) can not check in before 8pm on the booked date, please contact and inform us, or your booking(s) will be cancelled. |
【訂房程序】 (1)請事先來電確認或預約。 (2)經電話訂房確認OK後,請於訂房後7日內匯訂金(房價的30%),若於保留時間內未收到匯款訂金則將取消訂房,並且不另行通知。 (3)匯款後請務必傳真收據給我們【傳真:02-29636461】,回傳內容請註明:「姓名」、「住房日期」、「房型」;若您是以轉帳方式,請務必於轉帳後來電告知您的帳號後五碼,以便確認,謝謝。 (4)我們於收到訂金後,將為您保留房間,餘款到付。
BOOKING PROCEDURE (1) Please contact us to comfirm your reservation. (2) Once your reservation is comfirmed please make your deposit(50% of your total bill) within 3 day, or your reservation will be cancelled. (3) Please fax your deposit receipt to +886 2 2963 6461 along with your booking details(names, booked dates and room type(s). If you use net banking please inform us the last 5 digits of your account numbers. (4) Once we have received the deposit, the reservation is complete, and then make the remaining amount on the day of your arrival.
【匯款資訊-ATM轉帳/匯款】 銀行代碼:012 |
BANKING DETAILS Bank Code: 012 Account Number: 05026963360000 Bank Name: Account Name: Liu, Ya Ping Please notify us once the payment is made. |
【注意事項】 ※禁止攜帶寵物。 |
REMINDER ● Pet(s)/animal(s) is not allowed. ● Smoking, drinking and betel nut chewing are prohibited. ● Please lower your voice after 10pm. ● Do not exceed 10mins when meeting with your visitor(s) . ● NT$250/person will be charged if the head count exceeds the room limit. (basic items supplied) ● In response to the environmental protection, we do not supply in-room refrigerator. If you need to store any beverage or food, please ask assistance at the front desk. |
【延期與退費說明】 ※匯款後若因故欲更改日期,請於7日前通知,可保留房間三個月,否則訂金沒收、恕不另行通知。 ※若您須要訂房或想進一步洽詢任何問題,請與『板橋.首府大飯店』聯繫,電話【02-29598911~3】。 |
DELAY & REFUND ● After booking completion, if you can not check in on the scheduled date, please notify us 7 days prior to the scheduled date. And we can keep your booking for 3 months. Failing to notify us of your changing schedule, the deposit is not refundable. ● If you need any further information, please contact us on +886 2 29598911~3. |
【自行開車建議】 ◎國道三號 → 下中和交流道 → 中正路 → 中山路二段左轉 → 公園路左轉 → 館前東路 → 即可抵達「板橋.首府大飯店」。 ◎板橋捷運府中站1或2號出口 → 過天橋直走至第2個紅綠燈處(蘇菲雅婚紗店旁) → 首府大飯店 ◎板橋車站 → 走往縣府地下道13號出口(新府路) → 往遠東百貨靠右走到加油站旁介壽公園 → 對面就是首府大飯店(步行約15分鐘) |
SUGGESTED DRIVING ROUTES From Freeway No.3 → Exit at ZhongHo System Interchange → ZhongZhen Road → sec. 2 ZhongSan Road Turn left → GongYun Road turn left → GuanQian E. Road → SOFU HOTEL From MRT FuZhong Station → Exit 1 or 2 → cross the overpass → keep walking to the 2nd traffic lights(Sophia Weddings) → SOFU HOTEL From BanQiao Train Station underpass to New Taipei City Hall direction → Exit 13(XinFu Road) → walk towards FE21' direction → JeSou Park → SOFU HOTEL is just across the road (approx. 15 mins walk)
【大眾交通工具建議】 大有巴士1962線 |
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Bus route 1962 BanQiao Bus Depot ←→ Airport Boarding from the airport, get off at Old BanQiao Station Shopping Circle Stop(you will see Mos Burgers), then walk about 2 mins to SOFU HOTEL. Approx. 50~75mins travelling time. |
出發地 Departure | 第一班車 First Bus | 末班車 Last Bus |
板橋站 BanQiao Bus Depot | 04:40 | 23:00 |
時刻表 Timetable |
04:40 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 | |
機場 Airport | 06:00 | 01:00 |
時刻表 Timetable |
06:00 06:30 07:00 0730 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 00:30 01:00 | |
收費方式 依里程收費 票價(單位:元) 全票135元 半票65元 Fare: Adult NT$135 Kid: NT$65 |